Central library at LKPS  encourages curiosity, innovation and problem-solving.The purpose of the school library is to help every student of our school community — students, staff, parents to — gain new knowledge, skills, and dispositions for learning and personal development that they will use throughout their lives.

Our Effective school library:

  • Offer best quality programs that support the CBSE curriculum.
  • Help Students and teachers integrate information literacy skills into learning activities.
  • Promote information literacy by helping students develop skills to find, evaluate, use, create and share information and knowledge.
  • Enrich students in reading experiences and develop independent reading skills.
  • Support smart teaching and learning strategies.
  • Provide teachers with professional and subjective support.
  • Source and deliver suitable and current resources in multiple formats.
  • Maintain collections that meet the needs of the our school.
  • Use current technologies to provide easy access to all possible information.
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