Science & Tech Club at LKPS  is one of the smart platform for the students to develop their scientific skills, knowledge and fulfill their quest in doing science activities within the curriculum framework. This uplift krishnites:

  • To improve scientific attitude and provide opportunities for practice in scientific method.
  • To actively encourage the use of waste material to process scientific modelling
  • To better understand scientific knowledge through science experiments.
  • To allow them to work in the field of their interest and develop their skills in presentation.
  • To maintain the students with knowledge in past and recent inventions in science. -


  • To organize seminars, guest lectures, Quizs, debates etc.
  • National Science Day Celebration.
  • Conducting Science exhibition and fair.
  • Celebrating birth days of Indian and Foreign Scientists.
  • Conducting Technical and Non-Technical Events
  • Preparing mini projects, charts, science models, postures etc.
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