It gives me immense pleasure to introduce you to LORD KRISHNA PUBLIC SR.SEC.SCHOOL  and the wide range of educational opportunities offered both through the curriculum and the rich variety of extracurricular activities available School, a highly progressive school pledged to provide quality education with great emphasis on traditional values. Besides academic excellence, the school is committed to inculcating in all its students strong ethical values of integrity, politeness, kindness, and respect for elders with a focus on theater, dramatics, music, and dance at the same time.

Each understudy should be viewed as an important individual, whose brain, body, and soul need supporting, inside an adoring and caring climate. LORD KRISHNA School gives such a climate that would carry center and bearing to the lives of understudies and set them up for what's to come.

The school with an excited, experienced, and profoundly qualified school personnel alongside astounding foundation offices gives the all-encompassing air to the youngster to form into the proficient youthful wizards of today. We believe that the teachers and parents should work in concord and euphony to nurture and nourish the young minds well so that they not only homogenize well in the society but become great leaders of tomorrow.


Principal- Lord Krishna Public sr.


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